What is REAL Coaching℠?

Coaching, as defined by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential through changed mindset, actions, and habits.

REAL Coaching℠ leverages these coaching principles and real estate best practices in a behavior change process to incite transformative change.

What is a REAL Coach?

The REAL Coach is a leader who has been trained and certified on the REAL Coaching℠ model. Your Coach’s purpose is to create change and there are specific principles/skills needed.

Isn’t Coaching the same as Learning?

In short, no! Coaching and learning are equal and complementary forces that strengthen the muscle dedicated to change.

The impactful Learning offered by the brand focuses on building skills. For many, however, acquiring the skills of “how” is not enough. Coaching taps into personal motivation and explores the “why” that drives results. Working together, the coach and coachee put the skills learned into action through self-accountability.

What is the investment for REAL Coaching℠ Programs?

Industry research shows that coaching is a critical part of building a real estate business. In fact, thousands seek out coaches each year, spending an average of $329 - $1200 per month on those services.

REAL Coaching℠ believes three things are crucial to offer a valuable and competitive service:

  1. You need “skin in the game” to help hold yourself accountable to your goals
  2. You should receive access to Coaching through your affiliation with Coldwell Banker at a significantly lower cost than the typical industry rate.
  3. You should have the opportunity to leverage the support of a certified REAL Coach who can help you build your business with the Coldwell Banker products and tools that you are already using!

Learning builds muscle, coaching moves muscle℠.